Park Eun Jin1,
1 Joongbu University

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In the cultural magnetic field of East Asia, which is a cultural sphere of Chinese characters, Korea, China, and Vietnam have produced various literary works that reflect similar yet independent histories and cultures. In this study, we pay attention to Jeondeungsinhwa (傳燈新話), Geumohsinhwa (金鰲新話), and Jeongimanrok (Truyền kỳ mạn lục, 傳奇漫錄), which are collections of fictional biography(傳記小說) formed in the three countries in the 14th and 16th centuries, and analyze the similarities and differences of the experiences of other worlds in the three collections from a comparative literary perspective. Previously, I tried to examine the aspect of unrealistic imagination embodied in literature in East Asia. Going beyond the existing comparison of works centered on Yeomjeong-style(艶 情類), the works centered on experiences in the other world in the three collections are newly categorized as “Experiences of Transcending Realms (異 系 體 驗 談)” and used as comparison targets; as a form of the content of the work, “Innere form,” a comparative analysis was conducted. The Experiences of Transcending Realms in fictional biography included in the three collections reflect the perceptions shared by East Asian people about other-world spaces such as the underworld, dragon palace, and immortal world. In addition, the part where a real person goes to another world and converses with another person is commonly revealed as an innere form that forms the center of the work. However, there were differences in the specific aspects of dialogue revealed in the three works.

《Jeondeungsinhwa(傳燈新話)》 is the first collection of fictional biographies with a clear didactic character, 《Geumohsinhwa(金鰲新話)》 is influenced by a strong writer, and 《Jeonjeonmanrok Truyền kỳ mạn lục, 傳奇漫錄》 can be said to be the result of a strong influence of the existing Vietnamese narrative tradition. The aspects of Experiences of Transcending Realms (異系體驗談) in these three collections are meaningful as the “results of literary response” realized by intellectuals from three East Asian countries who lived in difficult times in their respective socio-cultural situations and contexts.

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Analysis Resources

Gu Woo. (2012). Jeondeungsinhwa (傳燈新話) (J. Yong-su, Trans.). Knowledge that Creates Knowledge.
Kim Si-seup. (2014). Geumosinhwa (金鰲新話) (L. Ji-ha, Trans.). Minumsa.
Wanseo. (2012). Joengimanrok (Truyền kỳ mạn lục, 傳奇漫錄) (P. Hee-byeong, Trans.). Dolpilegae.

Secondary Resources

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