Tran Duc Anh Son1,
1 Dong A University, Da Nang

Nội dung chính của bài viết

Tóm tắt

Vietnam is a civilized country with a long history and a rich culture. The cultural heritage of the nation left by ancestors has been preserved and promoted by the contemporary generation. Many cultural heritages are effectively preserved, promoted to the world, and honored by the international community. But there are also heritage sites that are facing challenges: degraded, damaged, violated, disfigured, and deviated from the original heritage. This article is an approach to the above situation by: understanding the Vietnamese legal system and international documents in the field of cultural heritage; the operation of that legal system in cultural heritage preservation activities in Vietnam over the years; review the achievements that have been achieved, and the limitations that need to be overcome; at the same time, propose solutions to contribute to better conservation and promotion of cultural heritage values ​​in a sustainable way.

Chi tiết bài viết

Tài liệu tham khảo

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