Nguyễn Kim Dung1,
1 Vietnam Japan University - Vietnam National University

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Tóm tắt

This research uses a historical approach to clarify the important role of King Trần Thái Tông in establishing the political system, governing the country and people, and building the cultural and ideological foundation for Đại Việt society during the Trần dynasty. The article analyzes Trần Thái Tông's proactive choice of Buddhism as the key to long-term peace and stability, inheriting the cultural and social heritage of the Lý dynasty, and applying Buddhist thought and wisdom to build and develop the country. In this sense, Trần Thái Tông is an important historical figure who played the role of a bridge between Buddhism of the Lý and Trần dynasties. Besides, the research affirms the significant contributions of King Trần Thái Tông to Buddhism and the unification of Buddhism during the Trần dynasty.

Chi tiết bài viết

Tài liệu tham khảo

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