Yoshikawa Kazuki

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Tóm tắt

Although previous studies have provided a general outline of the administrative policies of the Nguyễn Dynasty in the Northern Uplands, further research is needed on the Nguyễn court’s governance in the region and its effort to maintain state integration during the mid-nineteenth century. This study examines the transitioning local governance of the Nguyễn Dynasty through official documents, by focusing on the revival of the native chieftain’s post in the Northern Uplands. This analysis draws on terminology changes of “native chieftains” [thổ ty 土司] and “native officials” [thổ quan 土官] recorded in primary sources, which has not been considered by previous studies. Prior to the Minh Mang reforms, “native chieftain” only referred to those recognized by the court-maintained list of native chieftains, whereas “native official” referred to local people holding positions beginning with the word “native.” Subsequent to the suppression of Nông Văn Vân’s revolt, the native chieftain’s post was abolished. In Lạng Sơn Province, the usage of “native official” was discontinued in 1846, when Vi Thế Tuân’s post changed from native prefect to district magistrate. In the Lạng Sơn and Cao Bằng Provinces, a series of attacks by Chinese bandits in the 1850s, caused the revival and recognition of the native chieftain’s post as a category, exempt from labor and military services, without implying the revival of the pre-Minh Mang governance system. In fact, the Nguyễn court nominally maintained an administrative system similar to that in the delta provinces, but viewed the native officials’ revival as a retreat from the Minh Mạng reforms.

Chi tiết bài viết

Tài liệu tham khảo

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[22] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Minh Mạng, 41, 77a-78b (Vietnam National Archives 1, Hà Nội, Vietnam).
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[25] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Minh Mạng, 62, 99a–b.
[26] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Thiệu Trị, 2, 141a–b.
[27] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Tự Đức, 25, 236a–b.
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[31] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Thiệu Trị, 45, 10a–11b.
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[34] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Thiệu Trị, 45, 10a–11b.
[35] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Thiệu Trị, 45, 10a–11b.
[36] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign [Đệ tứ ký], vol. 5, 33a.
[37] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Tự Đức, 21, 120a–121b.
[38] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Tự Đức, 21, 242a–244b.
[39] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Tự Đức, 25, 75a–77b.
[40] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 6, 17b; Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Tự Đức, 25, 242a-b; 31, 122a-125b.
[41] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 6, 19a-b.
[42] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 7, 10b.
[43] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Tự Đức, 30, 138a–b. [44] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Tự Đức, 34, 144a–145b.
[45] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Tự Đức, 30, 139a–b.
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[47] Emmanuel Poisson, Mandarins and subordinates in northern Vietnam: A bureaucracy to the test (1820–1918), pp. 122–125.
[48] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 10, 17b–18a.
[49] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 11, 4b–5a, 11a–b.
[50] Châu bản Triều Nguyễn, Tự Đức, 47, 242a–246b.
[51] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 60, 23b.
[52] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 6, 14a.
[53] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 13, 23a.
[54] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 28, 32b–33a.
[55] Đại Nam thực lục, Fourth reign, vol. 30, 15a-b.