Komine Kazuaki

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Tóm tắt

This article takes comparative tale literature as one facet of the study of the Sinographic sphere in East Asia and reads the various works included in Yuenan hanwen xiaoshuo jicheng not as ‘Sinitic fictional literature’, as suggested by the title of the collection, but as ‘Sinitic tale literature’. Focusing on important collections of tale literature such as the early 14th-century Việt điện u linh tập lục, the late 15th-century Lĩnh Nam chích quái, the mid-18th-century Công dư tiệp ký and the late 18th-century Kiến văn lục, I have selected some particularly interesting tales and here offer analyses of them. Behind these collections of tale literature were literati officials who were deeply involved in the formation of state identity and ideology. These were living collections which were revised and rearranged generation after generation. The contents changed with the times, too, moving gradually from mythic tales narrating the origins of the world to everyday topics, popular legends, Buddhist tales and other tales. I argue that Vietnamese tale literature, which has hitherto not been well known, has a significance which requires its position in the East Asian Sinographic sphere to be rethought and I suggest that more collaborative research is needed.

Chi tiết bài viết

Tài liệu tham khảo

[1] Công dư tiệp ký 公餘捷記, Viện Nghiên Cứu Hán Nôm, A.44, VHv.1324, VHv.14, etc.
[2] Kiến văn lục 見聞録, Viện Nghiên Cứu Hán Nôm, A.31.
[3] Komine Kazuaki 小峯和明, (2010), Higashi Ajia no setsuwa sekai 東アジアの説話世界, in Komine Kazuaki, ed., Kanbun bunkaken no setsuwa sekai 漢文文化圏の説話世界, Chikurinsha, Tokyo, pp.27-49.
[4] Komine Kazuaki, (2019), Setsuwa no daisankyoku wageiron e – setsuwabon no teishō 説話の
第三極・話芸論へ―〈説話本〉の提唱, in Kuramoto Kazuhiro 倉本一宏, Komine Kazuaki 小峯和明 and Furuhashi Nobutaka 古橋信孝, eds, Setsuwa no keisei to shūen – chūkinseihen 説話の形成と周縁―中近世篇, Rinsen Shoten, Tokyo, pp. 207-233.
[5] Komine Kazuaki, (2019), Higashi Ajia bungakuken to chūsei bungaku 東アジア文学圏と中世文学, Chūsei bungaku 中世文学, 64, pp. 33-42.
[6] Komine Kazuaki, (2021), Higashi Ajia no bungakuken’ 東アジアの文学圏, in Komine Kazuaki, Higashi Ajia ni kyōyū sareru bungaku sekai – Higashi Ajia no bungakuken 東アジア に共有される文学世界―東アジアの文学圏, Bungaku Tsūshin, Tokyo, pp.11-23.
[7] Komine Kazuaki, (2021), Kyoju to jushin – kankyō bungaku no dōtei 巨樹と樹神-〈環境文学〉 の道程, in Yūrashia no naka no uchūju seimei no ki no bungakushi ユーラシアのなかの宇宙樹・ 生命の樹の文化史, Bensei Shuppan, Tokyo, pp.181-194.
[8] Komine Kazuaki and Masuo Shin’ichirō 増尾伸一 郎, trans., (2011), Shiragi shuiden 新羅殊異伝, Heibonsha, Tokyo.
[9] Komine Kazuaki and Kin Eijun 金英順, trans., (2016), Kaitō kōsōden 海東高僧伝, Heibonsha, Tokyo.
[10] Lĩnh Nam chích quái liệt truyện 嶺南摭怪列傳, Viện Nghiên Cứu Hán Nôm, A.2914.
[11] Lĩnh Nam chích quái liệt truyện 嶺南摭怪列傳, Viện Nghiên Cứu Hán Nôm, VHv.1473.
[12] Nguyễn Thị Oanh, (2005), ‘Nghiên cứu văn bản Lĩnh Nam chích quái liệt truyện’ (Sudy on Lĩnh Nam chích quái liệt truyện 嶺南摭恠列傳), Ph.D thesis, Hanoi National University of Education, 2005.
[13] Nguyễn Thị Oanh, (2017), Betonamu no zenkindai ni okeru Shaka no denki ni tsuite – Như lai ứng hiện đồ o chūshin ni ベトナムの 前近代における釈迦の伝記について―『如 来応現図』を中心に, in Komine Kazuaki, ed., Higashi Ajia no Butsuden bungaku 東アジアの 仏伝文学, Bensei Shuppan, Tokyo, pp. 371-393.
[14] Nguyễn Thị Oanh, (2019), Betonamu no kanbun setsuwa no keisei – rekishisei to katari ベト ナムの漢文説話の形成―歴史性と語り, in Kuramoto Kazuhiro 倉本一宏, Komine Kazuaki 小峯和明 and Furuhashi Nobutaka 古橋信孝, eds, Setsuwa no keisei to shūen – chūkinseihen 説話の形成と周縁―中近世篇, Rinsen Shoten, Tokyo, pp. 235-259.
[15] Nguyễn Thị Oanh, (2020), Betonamu no setsuwa to kankyō bungaku – kenkyū jijō to kadai ベト ナムの説話と〈環境文学〉―研究事情と課 題, in Setsuwa bungaku kenkyū to saizensen 説 話文学研究の最前線, Bungaku Tsūshin, Tokyo, pp.263-278.
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