Main Article Content
The paper extends author’s method of modular distributions (2002, [75]) to arithmetic automorphic L functions on general classical groups. Main resultat gives a p-adic interpolation of their critical L values in the form of integrals of distributions constructed from a given eigen function of Hecke algebras by applying BGG modules, (see also preprints [78] and [79].
In particular, algebraic differential operators are described acting on auto-morphic forms ' on unitary groups U(n; n) over an imaginary quadratic field .
Applications are given to Shimura’s zeta functions [90] attached special L-values attached to . and normalized in accordance with Deligne’s Gamma factors rule [21]. An explicit description of Shimura’s -factors is used.
Article Details
Automorphic forms, classical groups, p-adic L-functions, differential operators, non-archimedean weight spaces, quasi-modular forms, Fourier coefficients
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