On certain classes of mild solutions of the scalar Liénard equation revisited
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In this work we revisit the existence, uniqueness and expo- nential decay of some classes of mild solutions which are almost periodic (AP-), asymptotically almost periodic (AAP-) and pseudo almost peri- odic (PAP-) of the scalar Lin ́eard equation by employing the notion of Green function and Massera-type principle. First, by changing variable we convert this equation to a system of first order differential equations. Then, we transform the problem into a framework of an abstract parabolic evolution equation which associates with an evolution family equipped an exponential dichtonomy and the corresponding Green function is exponen- tially almost periodic. After that, we prove a Massera-type principle that the corresponding linear equation has a unique AP-, AAP- and PAP- mild solution if the right hand side and the coefficient functions are AP-, AAP- and PAP- functions, respectively. The well-posedness of semilinear equa- tion is proved by using fixed point arguments and the exponential decay of mild solutions is established by using Gronwall’s inequality. Although our works revisits some previous works on well-posedness of these types of mild solutions for the Lin ́eard equation but provide a difference view by using Green function and go further on the aspects of asymptotic behaviour of solutions and the construction of abstract theory. Our abstract results can be also applied to other parabolic evolution equations.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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