Phạm Hùng Quý
Research interests
Local cohomology (splitting conditions, associated primes).
Structure of finitely generated modules over local rings (irreducibility, Hilbert functions, limit closure).
Characteristic p methods (Frobenius action, tight closure).
PhD, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, 2010-2013.
M.Sc., Hanoi National University of Education, 2005-2007.
B.S., Hanoi National University of Education, 2001-2005.
Honors and awards
Thesis of the year, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, 2013.
1. Lech’s inequality and Stuckrad-Vogel’s conjecture (with Patricia Klein, Linquan Ma, Ilya Smirnov and Yongwei Yao), preprint.
2. On the uniform bound of Frobenius test exponents, submitted.
3. Nilpotence of Frobenius actions on local cohomology and Frobenius closure of ideals (with Thomas Polstra), preprint, ArXiv:1803.04081.
4. Notes on Frobenius test exponents (with Duong Thi Huong), submitted, arXiv:1801.04827.
5. On the structure of finitely generated modules over quotients of Cohen-Macaulay local rings (with Nguyen Tu Cuong), preprint 2016, ArXiv:1612.07638.
6. On the limit closure of a sequence of elements in local rings (with Nguyen Tu Cuong), preprint 2016, ArXiv:1608.08155.
7. On the index of reducibility of powers of a standard parameter ideal (with Nguyen Tu Cuong and Hoang Le Truong), Journal of Algbera and Its Applocations to appear, ArXiv:1604.07055.
8. On the associated primes of local cohomology (with Hailong Dao), Nagoya Mathematical Journal to appear, ArXiv:1602.00421.
9. On the Frobenius action on local cohomology modules and deformation (with Linquan Ma), Nagoya Mathematical Journal to appear, Arxiv:1606,02059.
10. On the Length Function of Saturations of Ideal Powers (with Doan Trung Cuong and Pham Hong Nam), Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 43 (2), 275-288.
11. On the tight closure of parameter ideals in local rings F-rational on the puncture spectrum, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 222 (2018), 1126-1138.
12. A study of the length function of generalized fractions (with Marcel Morales), Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 60 (2017), 721-737.
13. F-injectivity and Frobenius closure of ideals in Noetherian rings of characteristic p > 0 (with Kazuma Shimomoto), Advances in Mathematics 313 (2017), 127-166.14. Injective modules and torsion functors (with Fred Rohrer), Communication in Algebra 245 (2017), 285-298.
15. Some results on local cohomology of polynomial and formal power series rings: the one dimensional case, Journal of Algebra, 466 (2016), 184-194. 16. On the vanishing of local cohomology of the absolute integral closure in positive characteristic, Journal of Algebra 456 (2016), 182-189.
17. Localization at infinitely many prime ideals and applications (with Kamal Bahmanpour), Journal of Algebra and its Applications 15 No. 3 (2016), 1650045 (6 pages).
18. On the index of reducibility in Noetherian modules (with Nguyen Tu Cuong and Hoang Le Truong), Journal of Pure Applied Algebra 219 (2015), 4510-4520.
19. Attached primes of local cohomology modules under localization and completion (with Le Thanh Nhan), Journal of Algebra 420 (2014), 475-485. 20. On the uniform bound of the index of reducible of parameter ideals of a module whose polynomial type is at most one, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 101 (2013), 469-578.
21. A remark on the finiteness dimension, Communication in Algebra 41 (2013), 2048-2054. (Thesis) Splitting of local cohomology modules and applications, Thesis 2013 (Vietnamese).
22. Asymptotic behaviour of good systems of parameters of sequentially generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules, Kodai Mathematical Journal 35 (2012), 576{588.
23. A splitting theorem for local cohomology and its applications (with Nguyen Tu Cuong), Journal of Algebra 331 (2011), 512-522.
24. On the finiteness of associated primes of local cohomology modules, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (2010), 1965-1968.