Kim Chung Lê Thị1, , Như Quỳnh Đỗ, Thu Hiền Vũ, Bùi Khánh Linh Phạm, Huyền Thanh Phạm
1 Khoa Kinh tế Quản lý - Trường Đại học Thăng Long

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This paper employs gravity model to assess the impact of factors on Vietnam's seafood exports to the European Union (EU). Based on the panel data collected from 2012 to 2022 by Vietnam and EU countries, the study quantified the impact of factors on Vietnam's seafood exports to the EU market. The results show that when Vietnam's GDP, EU countries' GDP and EU countries' population all increase by 1% will increase Vietnam's seafood export turnover to the EU by about 0,46 %, 0,88% and 0,06%; The distance between Vietnam and EU countries is quite far made transportation costs quite high, which has a negative impact on Vietnam's seafood export turnover to the EU; United Kingdom leaving the EU has caused Vietnam's seafood export turnover to the EU to grow lower than expected; The Vietnam - EU free trade agreement (EVFTA) has just taken effect, so the impact is not significant and clear on Vietnam's seafood export turnover to the EU.

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