English-majored students’ attitudes towards English pronunciation and challenges of acquiring proper pronunciation: A case study of Thang Long University
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The study titled "English-majored students' attitudes towards English pronunciation and challenges of acquiring proper pronunciation" aims to explore the perceptions of English-major students at Thang Long University (TLU) towards English pronunciation. Based on the quantitative data collected by a questionnaire, the study also seeks to identify the specific challenges faced by TLU first year English-majors in acquiring proper English pronunciation, which profoundly impacts their overall English communication skills and academic performance. The findings indicate that students maintain a positive attitude towards learning English pronunciation, despite facing various challenges related to psychological and phonological aspects. By identifying the underlying causes, the study aims to propose effective solutions that could improve pronunciation teaching methods, thereby boosting students' confidence and proficiency in English communication to meet the demands of a dynamic international environment.
Article Details
attitudes, challenges, English pronunciation, English-majored students, TLU
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