Huy Khoái Ha, Thi Huyen Chau Nguyen, Thi Tra My Nguyen, Thuy Nga Mai , Thi Thanh Nga Ngo

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This paper firstly discusses the use of computer technology for aiding mathematics research in the era of Industry 4.0, the prospect of which has provided the drive behind “Formal Abstracts in Mathematics” (FAB) project, a collaborative work between Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburgh, and Thang Long University. Then, the paper presents an overview of Lean, a theorem prover that was used in the first stage of FAB and is based on the calculus of constructions with inductive types (CiC). Employing this powerful interactive system, FAB has succeeded in formalizing a large part of the 100 most popular theorems list. In the second phase, FAB has turned to the study of CNLs (Controlled Natural Language) and on how to devise such a tool for bridging the gap between the language of Lean and that of the mathematical community.

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