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Covid-19 has been considered a disaster for human-beings worldwide and left negative impacts on the economy, the society as well as families. In situations of social distancing for disease prevention, children have to stay at home and study online, thus their parents tend to suffer from parental burn- out for having to play multiple roles: they simultaneously work to earn a living and take part in caring for and educating children. Using methods of material research, this paper aims at clarifying contents of certain published studies on factors leading to parental burn-out during the Covid-19 pandemic which involve 4 groups, namely: 1) Research on effects of social demographics factors such as being single mother, parents having children with special needs, number of children; 2) Research on effects of economic factors such as parents being unemployed, without stable income and having reduced salary; 3) Research on considerable effects of household-scale factors such as parents with heavy housework, parents’ responsibilities and roles in taking care of and educating children; 4) Research on effects of psychosocial factors such as culture, lifestyle and social relationships. This research results put forward a number of suggestions about the contents for further studies.
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Kiệt sức làm cha mẹ, Đại dịch Covid-19, Yếu tố ảnh hưởng
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